Finding meaningful change

I believe the most important thing in this life is to become more comfortable in your own skin. To do this, we must first take the time to pay close attention to who lives in our skin. Through this internal discovery process, we can begin to experience clarity. Then, as our clarity grows, we often experience the courage to go deeper and learn more about ourselves. As our clarity and courage increases, so does our confidence within.   

The good news is that, with proper time and attention, our inner journeys can often produce similar outward results as well.  With increased clarity, we gain the courage to speak from the heart, which often involves learning to say “no” to the things that distract us from our goals and the things that make us happy in order to make more room to say “yes” to things that give our lives real meaning. Finally, our confidence grows as we focus on the truly important things in our lives – mainly family, relationships, vocation, successfully dealing with conflict, and caring for ourselves and others.